

Star Wars Orbital Bombardment

  1. Star Wars Orbital Bombardment
  2. Star Wars Orbital Bombardment Atollon
  3. Star Trek Orbital Bombardment

2018-04-07 06:36amIs that Tarkin stating that? His thoughts changed once he obtained a Death Star.Not really always. 'Not without cause' indicates that Tarkin isn't compared to flattening planets on concept, but merely looks at the drawbacks of flattening Mon Cala to outweigh the benefits in this situation, and at this stage in time. Of the fóur deployments or planned deployments of the Death Celebrity, two were pinprick hits (relatively communicating), one has been targeted the the primary rebel bottom on an otherwise uninhabited globe, and one has been the demo against Alderaan.

ln all the cases, it would end up being fairly simple to make the disagreement that the advantages acquired from the damage (material or mental) outweighed the disadvantages of dropped assets. Yeah Tarkin here seems to end up being an illustration of practical villain created nicely.Meaning he is certainly actually taking the help of a practical approach and not really just making use of that as an excuse to become cartoonishly evil. He doesn't destroy Mon Cal here because there's no useful cause why and numerous practical reasons to preserve it.It also should become mentioned that Demise Star has been supposed to work primarly as a risk aka 'we can kill your entire world without you being able to perform anything about it therefore don't step out of series or else we'll use this weapon on you!' Rather after that as a substitute for the imperial military. 2018-04-08 11:02amThe NEU seems weirdly conflicted on bombardment capabilities.

  • Orbital bombardment, also known as an orbital strike, was a military strategy, where huge star cruisers (like Star Destroyers) would fire their main cannons to the surface of a planet, causing heavy damage to the enemy. This strategy was used mostly to wipe targets that were in close proximity.
  • Orbital bombardment seems to be working fine for me. Some of these types of attacks are related to the toon that uses them. So if you use a toon with minimal power this may cause the attack to do minimal damage.

. And when you think things couldn't get worse for our Rebels, there's always an orbital bombardment to survive! Rated T In Shops: May 15, 2019.

Some functions show bombardment boats with 100 megaton firepower. Others show that the Empiré can, ás in the outdated EU, burn planets to the crust.The Last Jedi can perhaps explain this: in Disney canon, turbolasers have a variety limit. Personally, I interpret this limit to end up being some sort of dispersion control where the bolt'h energy is usually distributing out until it manages to lose enough of its harmful energy that it will dash against a vessel's shields harmlessly. Furthermore, during that famous picture of Rebels whére the turbolaser bolts were striking the surface area of a world with less strength than a mortar round, they had been probably terminated from enough length that many of the energy was left into the atmosphere before striking the surface, causing the noticeable bolt to end up being weak even though the muzzle power was sufficient to slag a town. But the full energy would nevertheless strike the earth, and more than enough blasts would be plenty great sufficiently to beef roasts cities the method Procedure Cinder will (that can be, by heating the environment and not really the crust).

Furthermore, a Celebrity Destroyer can float in a earth's atmosphere (as of Rougé One) which wouId enable point empty pictures to dissolve the brown crust area beneath a town like in the aged EU. And lastly, TLJ displays the lifestyle of ships specifically armed for orbital bombardmént, and this amusing mentions that the Star Destroyer Tarkin is definitely on is similarly equipped for the particular part of bombing a planet into dust.So turbolasers still have simply because very much firepower as in the old EU, and the Empire can nevertheless very much dissolve the surface area of a globe if they need to. Base Delta Zero still is available by name and with a very similar definition to its previous EU edition. But there are usually new factors that dictate how turbolasers are usually used and what occurs when you capture at a earth from orbit with them. 'Next period I allow Superman get charge, just strike me. 'You're a queen from a modern society of immortal a warrior.

I'michael a wealthy kid with issues. Lots of issues.' No internet dating for the Bátman. It might cut into your brooding period.' 'Tactically we have got multiple objectives. So we need to divided into groups.'

-'Dibs on thé Amazon!' 'Hey, wé both have a Martian's cell phone amount on our acceleration switch.

I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.' 'You know, for a guy with like 50 different types of eyesight, you certainly are sightless.' The issue can be, if you shoot the environment of a world with nuclear-equivaIent firepower, the power loss expected to energy seeping out into the air flow and interesting air molecules, uh.

We understand that appears like. The energy doesn't just 'vanish.' It appears like a nicely defined thing: a nuclear firebaIl.A nuclear firebaIl is what occurs when the energy directly released by a nuclear tool (a massive amount of X-rays) begins hitting air substances and imparting power to thém. This heats thé air into a giant luminous fog up of plasma, thé 'fireball' of á nuclear gadget's initiation. Any similarly powerful beam weapon that interacts significantly with the atmosphere would create a comparable effect- a wide pathway near to the ray's range of light would 'catch open fire' and turn out to be the searingly warm plasma linked with nuclear weaponry and their burn-inducing 'flash.' By the exact same symbol, if you have got energy weaponry similar to those needed for an old-EU Base Delta Zero operation, you wear't in fact require to get worried about the atmosphere.

Just maintain shooting; ultimately you'll heat up the atmosphere so very much that much of it spontaneously goes out into space, or becomes so very hot and rarefied that it no longer significantly impedes your turboIaser bolt.All energy and all warmth provides to go someplace, and high temperature broke up with into the environment is certainly no exception. 2018-04-08 05:56amTarkin also conveys his preference for a tranquil diplomatic alternative with the Mon Cals and then laments its failure when the shit naturally hits the enthusiast. I gotta state, I choose this to the normal mustache twirling villain that he's generally portrayed as.To become reasonable, one could reasonably identify this as a more youthful, even more idealistic Tarkin, who turns into more grimly committed to sustaining 'peace' through intimidation and mind-boggling imperial firepower over the course of the sticking with 10-15 years. 2018-04-09 11:36amThe thing is definitely, if you take the atmosphere of a world with nuclear-equivaIent firepower, the power loss owing to power dripping out into the air and thrilling air substances, uh. We know that appears like. Software mixer sound system for windows 7 free. The power doesn'testosterone levels just 'vanish.'

It looks like a properly defined thing: a nuclear firebaIl.A nuclear firebaIl is definitely what occurs when the energy directly released by a nuclear weapon (a massive quantity of X-rays) starts hitting atmosphere molecules and providing power to thém. This heats thé atmosphere into a huge luminous fog up of plasma, thé 'fireball' of á nuclear device's initiation. Any similarly effective beam weapon that interacts significantly with the surroundings would create a very similar impact- a wide pathway near to the light beam's line of lighting would 'catch fire' and become the searingly sizzling plasma associated with nuclear weapons and their burn-inducing 'display.' By the same token, if you have got energy weapons equivalent to those required for an old-EU Foundation Delta Zero procedure, you wear't in fact need to get worried about the atmosphere.

I already said - if it's not orbital bombardmént, it's sométhing else. Preparation is essential. Both KotOR lI and SWTOR verify that. It's not really something he can perform instantly.If Nihilus triggered the structures to fall apart, it wasn't with Empty, lmfao. Also, smoke will billow from destroyed buildings (certainly the clouds wéren't the Iasers, lmfao). I hope you knew that. An óff-panel bombardmént isn'testosterone levels out of the issue.I'll wait around for you to reconcile Onderon, Telos, and the sides he blasted into spoil, though.Last edited by SunRazer on Jan 4th, 2017 at 09:54 AM.

Initially posted by NephthysPreparation doesn'testosterone levels imply a limitation of requirement. In this situation we know that he has been 'preparing' in that he was attempting to discover the Jedi he was informed had been there. He could make use of the assault at any point as he do when the Exile presented him.Why can be it required for him to find anything if he can talk and kill every living issue on a earth?

Why can't he just devour everything indiscriminately and simply consider the winnings? Hé doesn't treatment. Similarly, he should'vé devoured all lifestyle on Citadel Station and the Republic navy, which would've finished the fight instantly and permitted him to get ready for Telos for as long as he needed.As someone who defends Unseen, Unheard's writing to the optimum, surely if Nihilus consumed all daily life on Katarr, lower to the vegetation and vermin, hé didn't targét his foes. It'd be ridiculous good enough to believe that he downright targeted the much better component of a hundred Jedi, simply because nicely as large numbers of Miraluka, allow alone everything else.This also doesn't clarify why Nihilus been unsuccessful on Onderon, ánd why he troubled to boost realms into wreck at aIl if he couId just use all life on a planet on a impulse with no circumstances attached.quotation.

Originally published by SunRazerWhy can be it necessary for him to find anything if he can talk and destroy every residing point on a world? Why can't he just devour everything indiscriminately and simply consider the winnings? Hé doesn't treatment.

Likewise, he should'vé devoured all lifetime on Citadel Train station and the Republic fast, which would've finished the battle instantly and allowed him to prepare for Telos for mainly because long as he wished.As someone who guards Unseen, Unheard's writing to the maximum, surely if Nihilus ingested all existence on Katarr, down to the plant life and vermin, hé didn't targét his opponents. It'd end up being ridiculous more than enough to presume that he downright qualified the better component of a hundred Jedi, as properly as a huge number of Miraluka, let alone everything else.This furthermore doesn't describe why Nihilus failed on Onderon, ánd why he bothered to blast realms into spoil at aIl if he couId just use all daily life on a globe on a whim with no circumstances attached.An unimportant query since we're also directly told he't attempting to discover them. They could be fleeing the system in a dispatch or concealing in some deep underground bunker or something (which will be what Atris has been actually performing btw). He could become trying to body out if he has been lied to or not. Or simply puzzled. It's not really as if he's a particularly rational person, his craving for food could become mind-boggling him with the desire to take care of on Jedi and so he's extremely focused on finding them, disregarding everything else. Or, like has been posited before, he could end up being out of variety.And yet he got more than enough pinpoint control over the strike to free Visas.Hé didn't faiI on Onderon, hé by no means goes into the Onderon system.

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That't just you fanón'ing up sométhing and acting like it't real once again.quote:. Initially posted by SunRazerWhat't this in reaction to? Why the structures weren'testosterone levels ruined by Empty, a power that focuses on consuming the victim's Pressure connections? Link the dots yourseIf.Like Beni mentioned, Vitiate's Ziost empty also destroyed the buildings, scarred the planets surface and disintegrated the human population.

Nihilus' attack was shown to do the exact same thing, destroying the buildings, turning everyone into skeletons and switching the planet into a desolate wasteland. Is usually it not possible that with thé two's degree of power that their drains could manifest corporeal damage upon the environment? Like we really see happening?Similarly, as Beni offers already pointed out you can notice the attack as it takes place from area and there can be no orbital bombardment or strike additional than Nihilus' pipe/smoke creature from Lost strike.Your suggestion that the smoke cigarettes had been from ruined buildings has been one of the dumbest issues I've observed you say btw. Degeneration indeed.quotation:. Originally posted by Beniboyblingplausibleadjective(of an disagreement or statement) seeming sensible or possible.(please record in to look at the image)Náh, unless he was shooting at a various planet, not really possible.And what Vitiate do on Ziost has been drain a world of all lifestyle, what did Nihilus do to Katarr again?

And where is it mentioned that KOTOR II drain doesn't affect buildings? The high shine edition campaign information?The cloud could've constituted a various Force attack.What Vitiate do on Ziost would end up being more equivalent to a ritual like Nathema thán something like NihiIus' Depletion in KotOR II. I have got no reason to suspect that Vitiate would've discovered the technique.As for why Drain doesn'testosterone levels damage structures - by definition, it doesn't. That's why the TCSWE quote describes Nihilus eating on realms separately of him 'bIasting them into hurt', because they're also not really the exact same energy.I'll provide you with évery in-game description and we'll notice what there is definitely that impacts structures:quote. 'You provide others strength to action, but it can be also feasible to pull upon the power of others to increase your own.

It is comparable to drawing upon the Force as Jedi perform, but when it is certainly touched by the power of the darkish part. It is definitely something else, something fatal. These Sith we face. They have discovered how to perform this. It is a technique that provides been dropped for some time, not noticed in the days since the ancient Sith. They can make use of it to consume other Pressure Sensitives - and át the highest pinnacle of strength, use it to consume anything that lifestyles. They pull upon the cable connections in the Drive, and devour it.'

- Knights of the Aged Republic II: Thé Sith LordsThis pretty much seals it. Traya says that it can be used to eat Force-sensitives, ánd at the highést pinnacle, consume anything that lives. Buildings certainly not incorporated, not really to mention that Nihilus hasn'testosterone levels even attained the peak yet.quotation. 'It is definitely a method that is almost as aged as thé Sith themselves. lt will be a methods of cutting connections between lifetime, the Force, and serving upon the demise it leads to. It cannot be trained. It can just be acquired through intuition, through going through its results, first-hánd.'

- Knights of thé Old Republic II: The Sith LordsMind explaining to me how buildings have connections to life or the Force that can end up being cut, and after that how buildings have fatalities that can become fed upon?Final modified by SunRazer on January 5tl, 2017 at 12:12 AM. Initially posted by NephthysAn irrelevant question since we're also directly told he's i9000 trying to discover them. They could become fleeing the system in a vessel or hiding in some heavy underground bunker or something (which is what Atris has been actually doing btw). He could be attempting to shape out if he has been lied to or not. Or simply puzzled. It's i9000 not as if he's i9000 a especially rational person, his hunger could end up being overpowering him with the desire to feed on Jedi and so he's extremely focused on getting them, disregarding everything else. Or, like offers long been posited just before, he could end up being out of variety.The Exile straight states that Nihilus currently detects that there are no Jédi.

Star Wars Orbital Bombardment

And as bóth Visas and Tóbin claim, if there are no Jedi on the planet, after that he will give food to on it in any case to sate himseIf to whatever level probable.Out of variety? He had been trying to feed on Onderon fróm across the galaxy. How to reset a quest in fallout 4. And don't you place stock in that 'Devastating Energy, Distant Strength' things that claims Nihilus' Depletion offers the range of a star program?This also doesn't describe what his planning to Deplete the planet has been.

Unless you think the actual preparation was targeting every solitary organism on the planet below? Regardless, the SWTOR codex describes him preparing to devour 'all existence' on the globe below, meaning it's indiscriminate and not really simply in connection to the Jédi, and it furthermore means that just 'all lifetime' would end up being affected, once again, not like buildings.quotation. Like Beni said, Vitiate's Ziost remove also damaged the structures, scarred the planets surface and disintegrated the inhabitants.

Nihilus' attack was demonstrated to perform the exact same thing, doing damage to the buildings, switching everyone into skeletons and turning the world into a desolate wasteland. Will be it not plausible that with thé two's degree of energy that their drains could express corporeal damage upon the environment? Like we actually see happening?Whatever Vitiate do isn't the same power as Nihilus', which impacts cable connections to living and the Drive, not structures, which make up neither. If Vitiate broken buildings, then that's simply proof that he's doing something else.quote.

Likewise, as Beni has already directed out you can find the assault as it takes place from space and there is no orbital bombardment or attack various other than Nihilus' depletion/smoke monster from Shed attack.Your recommendation that the smoke had been from damaged buildings has been one of the dumbest points I've observed you say btw. Degeneration certainly.I just stated it would've either become off-panel or some some other Force attack, but not really Force Empty.That's why TCSWE brings up Nihilus 'blasting sides into mess up' separately of his serving on them. They're also not the exact same power.You put on't obtain to speak about what's i9000 stupid after positing that an attack that drains life factors and Drive cable connections can harm buildings, by the way.Last modified by SunRazer on January 5tl, 2017 at 12:22 AM. The revelation about Onderon is very informing! An effort to attract on the strength of the planet itself and channel it against its occupants? I think that this might become preparation element of it. This is identical to what Abeloth did on Coruscant.SunRazer has a strong case here.

What if those gloomy formations are a manifestation of Darth NihiIus channeling the strength of Katarr (itself) into an assault on its inhabitants? Interesting.-Vitiate certainly devastated Ziost with his capabilities but the tsunami of Black Side energy (that he let loose on the earth in the beginning) ruined life-forms, vaporized seas, wrecked the environment and also wrecked softer inanimate stuff like figurines, home furniture and like (taking into consideration visual evidence just). Nevertheless, its pure intensity would have got generated effective tremors on the floor and those tremors would have got wrecked the surface and demolished many structures (If I am not mistaken). Even the orbiting space stations had been shaking from the intensity.Last edited by SWLeGenD on Jan 5th, 2017 at 07:05 AM.

Hey everyone!I needed to talk about a more detailed update about the Lana marriage bug that cropped up with Upgrade 5.9, and how we'll end up being dealing with it with Up-date 5.9.2.Wchicken the dev group originally implemented the variable that stores whether a given player character has chosen to marry Lana or not really, a weird quirk of the equipment caused that adjustable to not be fixed permanently, also though we told the tools to do therefore. As l'm sure yóu can think about, we found this quite annoying, and have thus wrecked stated “quirk” via questionable orbital bombardment to make sure that this doesn'capital t happen again. From now on, character types that are usually in a romance with Lana who enjoy through the Solo Story setting of the Nathema Conspiracy theory Flashpoint will possess their choice of whether or not really to talk to Lana to marry them thought of permanently, as it generally should possess ended up.Of course, this still remains an concern for those players whose character types are usually in a romance with Lana and have already finished the Solitary Story setting of Nathema Conspiracy theory.

We have applied a remedy to correct the issue for those participants in Upgrade 5.9.2. When the web servers come back again upward with the fresh up-date, a short new mission will show up automatically on all characters who meet the using criteria:. In a romance with Lana Beniko. Have got finished the Solo Story mode of the Nathema Conspiracy theory.

Star Wars Orbital Bombardment Atollon

Star wars orbital bombardment atollon

Are not presently on the mission “Things Left Unsaid” (web browser, are not currently smashing up with Lana to start/resume a various romance)The brand-new mission, “An Error in Connections Files”, will deliver you to the droid L1-R1 on Odessen, who will inquire you a series of queries to correct some problems in his corrupted Alliance personnel files. Please be sure to be sure to reply to his query about your romantic relationship with Lana truthfully, as it'h heading to be remembered permanently this time.You may question if it's achievable to tell the droid thát yóu didn't acknowledge to marry Lana when you in fact do, or vice versa. The response will be yes, that is certainly feasible; this will be your one particular chance to change your thoughts consequence-free, but become certain that's what you actually need to perform - as I said, your response will become permanently recorded.We wholeheartedly apoIogize to all players impacted by this issue, and value your persistence as we place jointly our option. Hey everyone!I wished to discuss a more detailed upgrade about the Lana relationship pest that cropped up with Upgrade 5.9, and how we'll be addressing it with Upgrade 5.9.2.Wchicken the dev team originally implemented the variable that stores whether a provided player personality has selected to get married to Lana or not, a weird quirk of the tools triggered that adjustable to not be established permanently, actually though we told the tools to do so. As l'm sure yóu can imagine, we discovered this very annoying, and have got thus demolished stated “quirk” via ruthless orbital bombardment to guarantee that this doesn'capital t happen once again. From now on, characters that are usually in a romance with Lana who enjoy through the Solitary Story setting of the Nathema Conspiracy Flashpoint will have their decision of whether or not to inquire Lana to marry them appreciated completely, as it continually should have got long been.Of training course, this still remains an problem for those players whose heroes are in a love with Lana and have got already finished the Solitary Story mode of Nathema Conspiracy theory.

Star Trek Orbital Bombardment

We possess applied a solution to right the problem for those players in Up-date 5.9.2. When the computers come back again up with the brand-new update, a short new mission will show up instantly on all personas who meet up with the adhering to criteria:. In a romance with Lana Beniko.

Have completed the Single Story setting of the Nathema Conspiracy theory. Are not really currently on the objective “Things Left Unsaid” (web browser, are not really currently breaking up with Lana to start/resume a different love)The brand-new mission, “An Mistake in Connections Details”, will send you to the droid H1-R1 on Odessen, who will inquire you a collection of questions to correct some problems in his corrupted Alliance staff files. Please make sure to be sure to reply his issue about your connection with Lana honestly, as it't heading to end up being remembered permanently this time.You may wonder if it's feasible to tell the droid thát yóu didn't agree to marry Lana when you in fact did, or vice versa.

The response is definitely yes, that will be possible; this will be your one possibility to change your thoughts consequence-free, but become certain that's what you actually want to perform - as I stated, your reply will be permanently recorded.We wholeheartedly apoIogize to all players influenced by this concern, and value your patience as we put jointly our option.I like this, but could we also obtain the relationship cutscene simply because nicely? Hey everyone!I needed to discuss a even more detailed upgrade about the Lana marriage pest that cropped up with Update 5.9, and how we'll be dealing with it with Revise 5.9.2.Wchicken the dev group originally applied the variable that stores whether a provided player character has chosen to get married to Lana or not really, a outrageous quirk of the equipment triggered that adjustable to not be set permanently, actually though we told the tools to perform so. As l'm sure yóu can envision, we discovered this quite annoying, and possess thus wrecked mentioned “quirk” via callous orbital bombardment to make certain that this doesn'testosterone levels happen again. From now on, heroes that are usually in a love with Lana who perform through the Solo Story mode of the Nathema Conspiracy Flashpoint will have got their decision of whether or not really to request Lana to marry them recalled completely, as it always should have got been.Of course, this still remains an problem for those participants whose character types are in a romance with Lana and have already finished the Solo Story setting of Nathema Conspiracy. We have got implemented a alternative to appropriate the concern for those participants in Upgrade 5.9.2. When the web servers come back upward with the brand-new up-date, a brief new mission will show up immediately on all figures who satisfy the following criteria:. In a romance with Lana Beniko.

Have finished the Solitary Story mode of the Nathema Conspiracy theory. Are not really presently on the objective “Things Left Unsaid” (ie, are not really currently splitting up with Lana to begin/resume a different love)The brand-new mission, “An Mistake in Alliance Documents”, will deliver you to the droid H1-R1 on Odessen, who will talk to you a collection of questions to appropriate some issues in his corrupted Alliance personnel files. Please be sure to be sure to reply to his query about your partnership with Lana truthfully, as it'beds heading to be remembered completely this period.You may wonder if it's feasible to inform the droid thát yóu didn't agree to marry Lana when you in fact do, or vice versa.

The response will be yes, that is certainly probable; this is certainly your one particular chance to modify your thoughts consequence-free, but end up being sure that's what you really desire to do - as I mentioned, your reply will be permanently recorded.We wholeheartedly apoIogize to all participants impacted by this issue, and enjoy your tolerance as we place together our option.Great, now how about repairing the insect that prevented certain players from actually starting a love with Lana? Players who opted to romance her in kotfé before the plot was applied that kept monitor of romances in the buddies and connections list and gave us verification communications before we initiated mentioned romances. This web page is not really intended to maintain you from using the hyperlink you've visited on. It can be just a caution that you are about to keep this website. To proceed to this web page, click the hyperlink below.If you perform not want to adhere to this link, just.The statements and opinions portrayed on these web sites are solely those of their respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they backed by Bioware, LucásArts, and its Iicensors do not assure the accuracy of, and are usually in no method responsible for any content material on these internet sites. This page is not really designed to keep you from using the hyperlink you've clicked on on. It is definitely simply a warning that you are about to keep this website.

To go to this page, click on the link below.If you perform not want to adhere to this link, simply.The claims and opinions indicated on these web sites are solely those of their particular authors and do not always reveal the views, nor are usually they recommended by Bioware, LucásArts, and its Iicensors perform not assure the accuracy of, and are in no way accountable for any content material on these websites.