

Mount And Blade Spy Quest

Follow Spy is a quest given by a lord of a friendly faction. Call of duty 1 download torent pc. You must have at least one hero that is level 15+ in your party. You will be asked to follow a spy who is trying to meet with his accomplices and, preferably, capture them both.

  1. The Meet the Spy quest is a bit bugged, unless I'm mistaken. In previous versions, the lord would tell you that the spy is wearing a particular item, such as a Straw Hat, but usually something that half the town wore anyway; which made it somewhat easier to identify who the spy was.
  2. Would this be the 'meet my spy in insert town name here' quest where you have to talk to the right peasant who gives you a password? If that is the one, just walk around the town square during the day and talk to people. I don't think I've ever had to bother talking to more than four or five people before I found the right one.

Mount And Blade Warband Spy

50 daysFollow Traveler can be a given by a of a friendly. Fallout 4 how to uninstall enb. You must have at minimum one that will be degree 15+ in your party.You will end up being asked to adhere to a spy who is definitely trying to meet with his accomplices and, ideally, catch them both. Taking only one of them will total the objective, but fury the person who provided you the quest. Recording the spy only will negate the relation you make for agreeing to the quest, while taking the facilitator, but not the spy, will still web a small reputation boost.Be suggested, the spy leaves instantly! The minute you keep city he'll bé there and obtain a head start.

Mount And Blade Spy Quest 2

If you manage to find him before he fulfills up with thé facilitator, you'Il want to keep your distance to complete the mission effectively. You should have got a decent to do this.

Players with a large military are furthermore advised to have got great in purchase be able to reach the picture on time before the faciIitator and spy end the conference and divide up (The spy offers a exploring speed of 6.1). In order to catch the focuses on, they will need to become knocked unconscious and taken as. This means you will require blunt weaponry and at least one stage in.It will take 50 times to show up again.