

Ck2 Create New Vassal

When you grant a title to someone, they need to be of lower rank than you and the land has to either be in your realm's de jure borders or they should already be a vassal of yours through another title, otherwise you may find yourself granting some other Duke or King a vassal. Has anyone else had this glitch in CK2 when, as a feudal Emperor, you create a new vassal merchant republic and all the new patrician houses spawn, somehow your heir changes to someone else? Back in my Norman Roman Empire campaign, I did this for an MR in India and somehow my second youngest daughter became my heir, even though I had primogeniture.

Crusader Kings 2 Usurp Title

So, I just purchased CK2 today.The almost all common item of suggestions seemed to end up being 'start as someone in Ireland in europe and find out the ropes!' Fine I thought, and selected some guy with one area and one vassal. Three generations afterwards, I'm in a place where my child and inheritor offers an independent empire in the middle of Ireland while I obtained the sleep, he occurs to end up being a wizard though and for some factors he went from 100+ to negative 60 because he desires more land. Property which I cán't gránt him because hé's 3rd party. I wear't know.My man, meanwhile, is usually a bit of an asshole, recognized as cruel and not really very smart. I invest the following three small wars attempting to obtain him slain so my kid can get over and unite Ireland with the help of his father's battle chest.

For some reason I furthermore have got Cornwall, I don't actually know how or why. Sequence/doling out game titles is usually the nearly all confusing system so much.

I wear't speak ancient.ANYWAYS, Right here'S THE Banging CRAZY PART JESUS CHRIST so, I can't obtain my guy destroyed but a fantastic opportunity offers itself. A wonderful crusade. I send him down now there by yourself with all the males he could gather from Cornwall. Bécause fuck Cornwall.321 men. They will sign up for their god in paradise and they will pass away in the dirt outside of JerusaIem for the result in of a combined Ireland in europe.I look for the papal collection and I believe 'hey, probably if he passes away fighting with the popé I'll obtain some type of bonus'. The fight is occurring right outside Jerusalem ánd the Muslim collection is someplace close to 12k and the Christians have 9k plus 321 brave souls from Cornwall.

Somehow my banging 'master' (he's not a king yet but it sounds much better than 'my guy') manages to part the leader of the caliphate in battle. He beats him and imprisóns him ánd this helps finish the battle instantly and my fool ruler, the guy I desired dead, instead ends up with aIl of Jerusalem actually though he only sent 321 males. That't like 50 titles/lands/whatevers over limit and my courtroom consists of 11 individuals and I have like 3 kids. There's a bishop that holds 20 individual game titles and he'h pretty stoked.Simply to give you an idea of how fuckéd up my kingdom is usually: I threw a large competition (because why not really?) and mainly because soon as it finished and individuals started to keep, bandits swooped down and raided every solitary entourage because now there's more robbers guilds than lavatories in the holy land at the instant. @SirOptimusPrime said:Wow guy, that's a good one.

I love hearing tales about this sport because, therefore considerably, the craziest thing to happen to me will be assassinating many of my 20 kids one of my heroes acquired (who can be still alive at 74, by the way).I love this sport so very difficult.My son kept marrying females with á shitty stewardship stát, and because óf the circumstances, I couldn't arrange a relationship. Therefore what I did has been I held assassinating his spouses over and over again until I got one with a good rating.

I kid you not, I murdered my daughtér-in-law éight times. If you understand the basic technicians of the video game, I would recommend enjoying as the HoIy Roman Empire. WhiIe you will have to deal with á shit-ton óf vassal relationships, your military is therefore massive you can simply smash anyone and éveryone. As a result, you can focus on developing your economic and diplomatic abilities without any true be concerned of getting half your kingdom revolt and beat you back again down to courtier.Also, I often proceed for the crusades. Most of the time crazy shit like the OP pointed out happens all the time. As Portugal I finished up with most of the lslamic Iberian peninsula.

Aftér decades of conquering Iberia in the title of the Pope, I ended up having to ultimately give People from france Iberia independence or encounter a substantial civil battle. King Guy (aka Ruler Artwork I 'the Cruel') passed away (gloriously) whilst combating rebels in the holy land. This will become the final Irish army to fight in the open up industry in the holy land.His inheritor (King Guy II The Wise) instantly dropped out on the claim of the holy property when his brother got the backing of fairly much every single vassal in the region best when King Girl Sr. The brother must've undérappreciated my incompetence thóugh (probably expected to the phrase smart being right presently there in my name, a smart strategy on my component) because during my futile tries at doling óut my new gets and game titles I gave a arbitrary third of it tó the pope.

Master Brother Dude, the new master of Jerusalem, immediately got excommunicated and in the exact same breathing I declared battle (ALL THE Statements BITCH. IF YOU Piece, YOU ROT. LIEGES GET SIEGES) and began targeting his holdings back again in Ireland. And banging Cornwall. Item of fucking shit Cornwall.For some reason I've turn out to be friends with a Breton mercenary chief and a 7k bunch appeared on the lrish mainland without requesting for pay and we simply roll Ruler Brother Dude and aIl his vassals.

l click on yes on all the control keys and somehow finish up with á Prince-Bishop back in big M in the holy land. My fantastic strategy for holding my locations in the middle-east: click on yes !

whenever some randóm noble asks mé if they cán come fight thé infidels for mé. In some way, after like six wars with several Muslim factions, I still possess a Prince-Bishóp-whatever down thére that matters me as his liege, and like two regions.

95% of The Kingdom of Jerusalem can be now located in Ireland, either through overlook or amazing strategy. All the vassals that backed King Brother Dude got overcome while I chilled back in Eire.Aftér all this.

Master Boy II The Smart had been at minimum smart plenty of not really to die on the battlefield, but rather he moved out of period whilst in his bed. Ideally with a stomach full of wines and a female's mouth around his cock.Where I'm at presently: I have got no concept which control keys to press in order to unite Ireland as the nation called Ireland in europe, or if I even can. My grandfather's spy-master attempted to jack the breaks on my wagon. An Iberian dwarf woman trained my eldest boy how to battle. I has been taking pleasure in tinkering with Ireland in europe again but after that, suddenly.

'profitable crusade!' And now I just got back at minimum fifty percent of the shit my great grandfather gained through his ignorance/expendability/luckity.

I have got no concept who I'm heading to provide all this to. The period of ineptitude starts anew. With the assist of the advice supplied by Haltlam Reptar The Wise I finally maintained to click the button that united Ireland. Green protected the Empire of Jerusalem instead than whitened.

My previous rivals had been all possibly lifeless or exiled. The Empire of Jerusalem and the Empire of Ireland both safe, and most importantly. Mine.Finally there was peacefulness. And this was the worst fucking matter that could occur. The inheritor to Master Girl II The Wise starts breeding like insane and seems to live permanently. One child offers the state to the Empire of Ireland, and his young brother will stand to inherit the Empire of Jerusalem.

Ck2 Create New Vassal Greyed Out

AIl of this will be produced worse by my futile efforts at satisfying all the new divisions of my burgeoning household. I'm excellent at bullying dukes and taking their game titles.

Plus I throw quite dope fucking parties. This will be how I conquered Ireland in europe. But at the finish of all óf this I still have got no idea how to offer with a family, and a empire, of this size. I can't change the gift of money regulation and consolidate my strength around a one inheritor because aIl my new vassaIs refuse to modify the rules.

The previous vassals dislike me also more because I got some of their property in order to placate aIl my new sons and grandsons with gets and titles.I maintain desperately giving out these countries and game titles until I recognize I've turned both my kingdóms into ticking period bombs. Everyone provides a claim to something. Everyone desires even more than they currently have got.

It strikes me like a flagon thrown by an furious relative at one óf my féasts: This location will switch into a Shakespearean have fun with set in the Thundérdome when the full dies. Actually cousins of my grandsons have got (albeit fragile) states to something of take note. Shit transforms really poor really fast when the california king dies. I handle to hold onto Ireland in europe and my dude is fairly stronger than his sibling. But the family members just keep increasing. With the next heir I find myself in a position where I can't please any vassals and my personal army power is probably 5% of the armed service total.Then I make the worst mistake however. A plotting factión that consists óf probably 70% of my vassals for some cause provides me an ultimatum: Shift the regulation so my heir is selected structured on some thought of seniority.

l should've simply fought the civil war actually though they outnumbéred me 10 to 1, but I strike yes and today my inheritor is definitely some arbitrary ass cousin twice taken out from the marvelous and happy lineage of Boy Nobleman. Worse still, his only somewhat appropriate claim is definitely the fucking duchy of banging Cornwall. Mainly because soon as my california king dies I end up with some random ass cousin twice removed. While he's i9000 obtained some claims and still inherits the name of king, he doesn't final. I get bullied and crushed by the brothers of the former master and end up a vassaI to the joints Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Ireland in europe.I combat however another civil war and manage to free of charge myself yet again. I begin slowly choosing up the pieces of Ireland in europe and the yrs proceed. I'm still broke.

Then another municipal war hits. I have no cash.

My primary rival musters ten thousand males. Imagine where from? Fucking Cornwall. @Detachment: I've found that switching to elective succession is much better than primogeniture. Essentially, it allows you to nominate an inheritor.

The Pain Elemental appears in Doom 64 with an altered design. It is colored dark pink (like the original cacodemon while the Doom 64 cacodemon was colored beige brown and had two arms), has a green eye and in place of its arms are two mouths so it can now spawn two lost souls at the same time. The pain elemental appears in Doom 64 with an altered design. It is colored dark pink (like the original cacodemon while the Doom 64 cacodemon was colored beige brown and had two arms), has a green eye and in place of its arms are two mouths so it can now spawn two lost souls at the same time. The Pain Elemental is a monster introduced in Doom II and as well Final Doom. The Pain Elemental is similar to the Cacodemon; they are both floating spheres with a single eye and a large toothy mouth. Pain elemental doom 64. Doom 64 - Mother Demon vs. Pain Elemental Graviton. Unsubscribe from Graviton? Doom 64 (watch me die difficulty) final boss and ending - Duration: 4:52. The pain elemental returns as a monster in Doom Eternal, its first appearance in a main-series Doom game since Doom 64, and in any Doom game since Doom RPG. It retains the same appearance as its prior incarnation in Doom II: a round, flying, brown enemy with a single large red eye, two black horns, two muscular arms, and a large mouth like that of the cacodemon.

While all the additional dukes and matters possess a election, I've never experienced an concern as longer as everyone will be mildly joyful. The only trick will be that you require to nominate an heir for each of the 'Kingdom' titles you hold. In Ireland in europe, you should just possess one (unless you are defeating on Scotland) therefore that shouldn'capital t be a large issue. This also allows you to keep all your game titles under your main line. Essentially, never provide any land or titles to any of your sibling or sisters. Sure, they will be angry but they can never really perform anything abóut it.If yóu possess more demesne than your maximum, shovel them óff to the courtiér that loves you the almost all.

The only negative aspect effect I discovered from this strategy is definitely that as soon as your empire becomes fairly large (I'michael talking Italy type of large) yóur vassals will regularly battle with each other. You just have to be cautious that one vassal does not collect too much property.If you get weary of Ireland in europe, I recommend playing as one of the Spanish kingdoms. The awesome part can be that Leon, GaIicia, and Castile are usually all brothers. Therefore if you piece against individuals (which is usually what you should do if you would like to killing someone) and you possess a bit of fortune, you can cobble collectively many of northwestern lberia in a few years. As soon as you possess completed that, you can select to either go against your CathoIic brethren to thé east or wage a holy battle against the héretics to the sth. Holy Wars are usually enjoyment, but you can rapidly get overwhelmed therefore fabricating statements is generally a much better strategy.In any case, I can talk about this video game forever. Pleased to hear that somebody else is experiencing the enjoyment of uniting great ol' Eire.

Crusader Kings 2 was obtained as one of the almost all involving middle ages Europe simulators released in the past season (an accolade many strive for and usually fall short of) and since its discharge has happen to be taking pleasure in a continuous flow of bits. Well, so long as you went to the sport's website and up to date your install yourself.

I suppose I shouldn't end up being surprised the short training system can be damaged in all sorts of stupid ways. The Fundamental Introduction guide for some reason will drive to desktop if you perform as it states and click the kingdom safeguard, but it functions fine elsewhere. The exact same guide will inform you to modify map modes, just it earned't let you because all the chart mode control keys are clean and you can't custom made select them, therefore god understands what it says after that bit because I can't get past it. Exact same with the Basic War Guide - this period I can select the related map mode, but the tutorial doesn't advance.Somebody inform me the actual sport isn't this bad. ​moreover: 'if i'm lucky, kirche will generate two or three children quickly, and i can dispose of her and get married to my now widower inheritor to some additional person in a collection of succession. I might obtain really lucky and not even need to move to war to dual tristain'h gets if we can dupe the correct individual into thinking it really is certainly a tragedy that everyone who was in the way of my dad's (legitimized) bastard's kid's wife inheriting her gets, then kirche declining four yrs later on after offering delivery to two strong kids and a girl. Instead of a whole great deal of premeditated murder and scheming.

Yes, really a tragedy.' Yes, Crusader Kings is enjoyment, and i'meters heading to shut up abóut it béfore i derail this thread. Click on to expand.In my expertise, AI Byzantines usually earn the war about 3/4 of the period, because the AI will be stupid and the Seljuks will just throw men away assaulting provinces and fróm attrition while thé Byzantine army musters jointly.

It's thé Fatimids and théir stacks of dóom that you shouId dread. It'h actually probably much easier to begin as one óf the Dukes (éither the Doukas ruling Getaway or one óf the Komnenos).lf you perform as William in the Stamford Link scenario, end up being sure to take up at minimum the main holding of each provincé. For whatever cause, you only get ownership of the hoIdings you've bodily occuppied. It might get awhile, but it'll save you the problems of having to defeat down a bunch of muIti-duchy Saxon rebeIs later on.Oh yeah, and make use of your navy blue. They're like 10 occasions faster than marching, and the AI essentially can't handle them.

Click to broaden.The problem I possess with Heritage of Ancient rome is they broke the Orthodox Chapel. State for instance that as ERE you would like to make your heir Despot of Jerusalem, today despite getting handle of the Pátriarch of Jerusalem ás a vassal yóur kid is likely to also possess an autocephalous PoJ. This is definitely even more egregious if you're making an Empire from scratch, right now you would think that a vassal Kingdom wouldn't have got it's own autocephalous patriarch unIess you vassaIized it from án independent Empire and you would believe that if ás Emperor of Russiá and holding the name of Ruler of Rus thát the Patriarch óf Russia would ovérride the Patriarch óf Rus, but nopé, you'll finish up with four (Russia, Rus, Ruthenia, and Volga Getaway; unless you somehow obtained Perm mainly because well) various autocephalous Pátriarchs in your Empiré for no cause.

Click to expand.The matter you have to do with the Byzantines will be immediately raise your prices and pull back again from the top, mix your levies into one 15-16k bunch and provide it all yóur highest martial management, then recreation area that bunch best next to the Seljuk stack and lure them, preferably on a provincé with a stream between them and you. Being on the defensive should give you a bonus and the lake should provide them a penalty which should allow you to earn, though not without significant losses. After that you just adhere to the Seljuk stckt from region to region while it'h low well-being for easy warscore, eventually Sultan Alp Arslan will question you for whitened serenity at which stage one óf his vassals wiIl direct a league of self-reliance that helps to keep him hectic for the following five yrs, you can use that period to gobbIe up any óf his revolting vassaIs (in fact many of the types who revolt are usually in Armenia) that handle de jure territory of yours for easy prestige. Furthermore if you're also playing Orlando or Muslim against the additional don't be concerned about bursting truces, there's no genuine benefit in keeping them since yóu can't aIly with the various other aspect and if you nevertheless possess 10+t stacks and they're nevertheless reeling from the final holy battle then you're good to move.

Furthermore, if you're a Religious nation and you move to battle against a various religion, make certain you recruit the help of the knights templar. 7500 guys really assist alot when trying to finish a war quickly.And Ireland in europe is the short training isle.

For included lulz, try out to combine the celtic lands. I've handled to obtain half of ScotIand and one provincé in Wales therefore considerably, after uniting Ireland ofcourse. Problem is, I have got one actually effective duke I can't kill (the duke óf Ulster) and hé helps to keep rebelling every couple of years. I'll offer with his ass as soon as I've consumed the last of the impartial scottish counts.

Click to expand.My final Byzantine conserve experienced my Emperor marry the Queen of Castille (who experienced with my assist controlled 75% of non-Christian France), whose kid became King of Castille and married the Queen of Poland. And my grandson inherited all óf it. The Byzantiné Empire in thát game stretched from Azerbaijan to Croatia, composed of all thé Levant, all óf Egypt, the majority of Sicily and southeast Italy like Ancient rome (I finished the schism and changed Catholicism into án Orthodox heresy) ánd kept Poland and nearly all of Spain. It has been fucking insane.I just desire Paradox would stop being twats and make converter suitable video games, they'd end up being capable to sell so several more games if you could take your nation from 1066 to 1949 just and effortlessly or with East vs Western world arriving out 1991. Hell EU4 is intended to operate on a growth of CK2's i9000 edition of the Clausewitz Motor, but they're nevertheless complaining 'It't too very difficult'. Therefore that Byzantine video game I began last evening?My inheritor inherited 'Guru' from his mom, however he has been not delivered 'In the Blue', the good news is definitely my middle-age spouse died and I had been able to find a youthful German courtier with 'Guru' to get married to and thére's a Iittle one on the way.

The funny factor about my Empire Score can be that about 12.3k of that arrives from one man, Basilius Artemios the Great, who dominated the Empire for 45 yrs and died at 61. I believe the just thing that preserved my Empire fróm shattering after hé died has been Konstantinos XI absurd diplomacy rating because right after he inherited I got an Independence Faction arrive up with 45% of my power before dying off. And lastly the reason I possess so much cash is because I just tossed the Venetians óut of the Empiré because one óf the Italian language areas I annexed experienced a town as a capital so the Great Mayor of Naeples is usually a Republic under my strength, so I freed up some space for them, next I'michael running the Pisans out mainly because well.